1005 Counting Ballots

1005 Counting Ballots

ยง 1005 Counting Ballots

A. Immediately after the close of the polling and after the last voter has voted, the Election Board shall count the Official Ballots.
B. The Election Board shall count, or cause to be counted by automated electronic system, the votes as marked on the Official Ballots. All votes shall be counted provided that the Election Board or automated electronic system can determine the choice(s) the voter has made.
C. The tallying of the votes shall be open for public observation, but the public must remain at a reasonable distance from the Election Board. The public must remain quiet and in no way interfere with the orderly tallying of the ballots.
D. At the end of the tally, the Election Board shall determine the total votes cast for each candidate or issue. These results shall be written down or printed on the Certificate of Election Results similar to Form G in the Appendix to this Ordinance. The Certificate of Election Results shall be signed by each member of the Election Board. The Election Board shall post the Certificate of Election Results at the polling place. The Certificate of Election Results shall be the declaration of the winners of the seats by the Election Board or the determination by the Election Board of the election issue, as applicable.
E. After the Election Board has certified the election results, the Election Board shall keep the Election Records which shall include the counted ballots, the unused ballots, and the spoiled or rejected ballots, if any. The Election Board shall keep the Election Records for at least one (1) year.

[Legislative History: Enacted by Resolution No. 97-12, 3/19/1997; Amendment and Restatement by Resolution No. 2019-162, 12/18/2019]

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