ยง 202 Assistance Options
A. The following Assistance Options are available through the Back to School Assistance Program to address the needs of the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe and its Tribal Members:
1. Back to School Clothing and Supplies. The Tribe may provide back to school clothing items and supplies directly to Tribal Students or through funds provided to the parent or guardian of a Tribal Member for the purchase of back to school clothing items and supplies.
2. Other. Any other assistance deemed necessary by the Tribal Council to support the purpose of this Chapter and the needs and welfare of the Tribe and its Tribal Members.
B. The Tribal Council shall approve the descriptions of each of the Assistance Option and details of each option shall be include in whole or summarized as part of theBack to School Assistance Application.
C. A parent or guardian of a Tribal Student who receives Assistance as provided in this Chapter is also considered a Beneficiary of the Assistance pursuant to this Title.
[Legislative History: Enacted by Resolution No. 2019-91, 7/5//2019]