502 List of Eligible Voters

502 List of Eligible Voters

§ 502 List of Eligible Voters
A. List of Eligible Voters. For each election, the Election Board shall prepare and maintain a List of Eligible Voters, similar to Form B in the Appendix to this Ordinance.
B. Enrollment Officer Duty to Produce List of Names. Within five (5) business days of a written request by the Election Board, the Enrollment Officer shall provide to the Election Board a list of the names of all tribal members who have reached or who will reach the age of eighteen (18) by election day.
C. Tribal Administration Duty to Produce Mailing Addresses. Within five (5) business days of a written request by the Election Board, the Tribal Administration shall provide to the Election Board the current mailing addresses on file of all tribal members named on the list provided by the Enrollment Office pursuant to subsection B, above. All tribal members shall be responsible for regularly updating their current mailing address with the Tribal Administration. The Tribal Administration and Election Board shall not be responsible for the failure of a tribal member to maintain his or her current address on file with the Tribal Administration.
D. Posting of List of Eligible Voters.
  1. Posting 30 Days Prior to Election. The Election Board shall post the list of eligible voters in the lobby of the Tribal Administration Office at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date of the election.
  2. Posting on Election Day. The Election Board shall post the final list of eligible voters at the polling place on the day of the election. The final list may contain corrections as necessary, including, but not limited to, adding names of tribal members who were mistakenly left off the earlier list posted in the lobby of the Tribal Administration Office, deleting names of individuals who are deceased or who have been disenrolled or relinquished from membership in the Tribe.
  3. Exclusion from List of Eligible Voters. Any person who alleges that his or her name is mistakenly excluded from the list of eligible voters may request that the Election Board obtain confirmation of current enrollment and age from the Tribal Enrollment Officer. Alternatively, the person may present proof of current enrollment and age to the Election Board either in person at the Tribal Administration Office during Election Board office hours prior to the election, or at the polling place on election day. The Election Board may consult with the Tribal Enrollment Officer to determine if the individual is a currently enrolled tribal member who is 18 years or older on the date of the election. If the Tribal Enrollment Officer confirms current enrollment and age, or if sufficient proof is otherwise provided by the tribal member, the Election Board shall add the tribal member to the list of eligible voters and permit the tribal member to vote in the election.
    1. Proof of Enrollment. To demonstrate proof of enrollment, a person may provide a Certificate of Indian Blood issued by the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, a San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe identification card, or a letter from the Enrollment Officer confirming current enrollment, provided that such person has not been subsequently disenrolled or relinquished from the Tribe pursuant to a duly authorized resolution of the Tribe.
    2. Proof of Age. To show proof of age, a tribal member may provide a driver’s license or other state or federal identification card that lists the tribal member’s date of birth, a birth certificate, or a letter from the Enrollment Officer confirming that the tribal member is or will be 18 years of age or older on the date of the election.
[Legislative History: Enacted by Resolution No. 97-12, 3/19/1997; Amendment and Restatement by Resolution No. 2019-162, 12/18/2019]

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      FORM B Resolution No. 2019-162, 12/18/2019 ​