702 Background Checks

702 Background Checks

ยง 702 Background Checks

A. All nominees shall submit the following to the Election Board at the Tribal Administration Office by 5:00 p.m. (MST) on or before the Friday immediately following the date of the nomination meeting:
  1. A completed local tribal background check;
  2. A federal fingerprint clearance card; and
  3. A money order in the amount as designated by the Election Board in the Notice of Election to pay for the processing of the background check.
B. The Election Board shall use background checks to confirm that nominees meet the criminal background requirements as set forth in Article 4, Section 401(D) of this Ordinance and Article VIII, Section 6 of the Constitution.
C. The Election Board shall disqualify any nominees who fail or refuse to submit their background check information by the required deadline.
D. Nominees who are found to have served twelve (12) or more consecutive months in any federal, state, or tribal jail or prison shall be disqualified.

[Legislative History: Enacted by Resolution No. 2019-162, 12/18/2019]

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