We the people of the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, a federally recognized sovereign Indian Tribe, do hereby adopt this constitution in order to:

o Promote the common good and well-being of the Tribe;
o Protect and preserve our culture and traditions including our language, arts and crafts, and 
archeological sites;

o Protect our land, water and natural resources;
o Promote and protect the health and welfare of our people;
o Encourage and promote educational opportunities for members of the Tribe;
o Foster economic deve
o Protect the individual rights of our members;
o Acquire additional lands for the benefit of the Tribe;
o Promote self-government and ensure the political integrity of the Tribe;
o Preserve, secure and exercise all the inherent sovereign rights and powers of an Indian tribe.

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    • Section 2. Special Elections.

      Section 2. Special Elections. Special elections shall be held when called for by the Tribal Council, by this constitution, or by the voters, as provided for in this constitution or appropriate ordinances.