Section 4. Election Board.

Section 4. Election Board.

Section 4.
Election Board. The Tribal Council shall appoint an Election Board to conduct all elections including all special elections. The Election Board shall consist of one (1) tribal member from the northern area, one (1) tribal member from the southern area, one (1) tribal member age 55 or older, one (1) tribal member between the ages of 35 and 54, and one (1) tribal member between the ages of 18 and 34, Provided, That all members of the Election Board shall be at least 18 years of age, and Provided, further that an Election Board member shall not be eligible to run for a seat on the Tribal Council. All Election Board Members shall serve for a specific term of office as established by the election ordinance. The Election Board may appoint clerks, poll workers and others to assist the Election Board with conducting the election.
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