604 Annual Investment Performance Evaluation
§ 604 Annual Investment Performance Evaluation An evaluation of the performance of all investment portfolios, mutual funds and money managers selected to oversee the investment of funds shall be conducted by the Tribal Council not less frequently ...
603 Investment Management; Investment Policy Statements
§ 603 Investment Management; Investment Policy Statements A. Tribal funds shall be invested in accordance with approved investment policy statements adopted by the Tribal Council and fund source restrictions, if applicable. B. Each investment policy ...
602 Financial Planning System
§ 602 Financial Planning System The financial management planning system shall incorporate: A. Documentation and standards to ensure the quality of financial forecasts. B. The presentation of updated financial and budget estimates each month and at ...
601 Purpose
§ 601 Purpose The purpose of this Article is to: A. Establish guidance for an effective financial planning system that will enable the Tribal Council to effectively forecast financial resources and requirements to measure the potential impacts of ...